
Hall Of Female

Hall of Female x Brands&People

We created an advertising campaign for Innvictus called Hall of Female, with the purpose of inspiring Mexican women and giving wings to the skills, interests and creative potential of the next generations of female leaders. Focusing on the empowerment of women, we focus on meeting, interviewing, chatting and sharing moments with Mexican artists who combine their talent and vision with streetwear. We tell their stories and how they have paved the way for other women to leave their own mark.

Mexican talent with vision of streetwear.

Hall of Female is a campaign that consists of the launch of videos and various collections of shoes intervened by Mexican artists. It pays homage to Mexican female talent and her vision of streetwear. We had the honor of inviting Mexican artists Etta, Bárbara, Andonella and Citali, each of whom told us their personal story and what made them exactly the talented women and artists they are today.

We capture their messages and what they want to say to the world out there. It was a pleasure for us to work together with Innvictus and with all these talented artists to launch this campaign. We hope you enjoy it and it inspires you as much as we do.



Hall Of Female

Hall of Female x Brands&People

Creamos una campaña publicitaria para Innvictus llamada Hall of Female, con el propósito de inspirar a mujeres mexicanas y dar alas a las habilidades, los intereses y el potencial creativo de las próximas generaciones de líderes femeninas. Enfocándonos en el empoderamiento de la mujer, nos centramos en conocer, entrevistar, platicar y compartir momentos con artistas mexicanas que combinan su talento y su vision con el streetwear. Contamos sus historias y como ellas han abierto el camino para que otras mujeres dejen su propia huella.

Talento mexicano con visión al streetwear

Hall of Female es una campaña que consiste en el lanzamiento de videos y diversas colecciones de zapatos intervenidos por artistas mexicanas. Esta brinda homenaje a el talento mexicano femenino y su visión con del streetwear. Tuvimos el honor de invitar a las artistas mexicanas Etta, Bárbara, Andonella y Citali, cada una de ellas nos contó su historia personal y lo que las convirtió en exactamente las mujeres y artistas talentosas que son hoy en día.

Capturamos sus mensajes y lo que ellas quieren decir al mundo que esta ahí afuera. Fue un placer para nosotros trabajar junto a Innvictus y junto a todas estas artistas talentosas para lanzar esta campaña. Esperamos que lo disfrutes y te inspire tanto como nosotros.





Innvictus Hall of Female ad

Innvictus — Hall Of Female

Innvictus Hall of Female etta ad

Hall Of Female — Etta

Innvictus Hall of Female Barbara ad

Hall Of Female — Bárbara

Innvictus Hall of Female Citali ad

Hall Of Female — Citlali

Innvictus Hall of Female Andonella ad

Hall Of Female — Andonella




